Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Couple Married For 85 Years To Give Advice For Valentine’s Day

Now, at 104 and 100 years old, respectively, John and Ann Betar will tackle a whole new frontier this Valentine’s Day, via Twitter.  Named the “longest married couple in America,” according to an analysis by the Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the two will dispense marital and life advice online, talking about how they stayed together for 83 years.

Not trying to be a pro, Mr John, 104, when asked how they have managed to stay together and are still in love after 83 years said, “We’re just lucky to be together. So fortunate.” When asked about the best part of their long life? He answered saying; “Just simply being together.”

A lot, as it turns out. Ann Betar still cooks, cleans, reads, makes the bed, waters the plants and hosts family gatherings, John added
'And he still drives, cuts grocery coupons and handles the finances', Anna also said about John.

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Almost unbelievable, Anna’s father had wanted her to marry a man 20years older than her when she was 17. Seeing no way out she eloped the country with John and the result is what we see today; “longest married couple in America,”

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