Monday, 21 September 2015

"Buhari is a Liar and He is Deceiving All Of You: Boko Haram Leader,Shekau Sends Nigerians a Short Message

 The Northern leader, Abubakar Shekau has dismissed the talk of the Army's success as “lies”...In a new audio message, Shekau who has not been seen on video since February said in a 25-minute recording in Hausa and Arabic confirmed by Reuters

“They (the military) lied that they have confiscated our arms, that we have been chased out of our territories, that we are in disarray.We are alive, I am alive, this is my voice, more audible than it was before. This is Shekau.”Buhari is a liar and has deceived you. 

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The army spokesman is also lying. He and his footsoldiers always run helter-skelter whenever we come face to face with them…Buhari, you once claimed that you will crush us in three months. How can you crush us?”"[The military] have lied about us, saying that they have retaken our territories, taken weapons and driven us away. They are actually the ones whom we have driven away. They are all liars."Buhari, you are yet to finish spending Obama's money. The business you are doing with the money is not over yet because I am here alive. Your business with Francois Hollande is not yet complete because I am still alive,"Shekau directly refers to IS group leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, to whom he says he is “loyal and subservient”.

1 comment :

  1. hmmm.. politicians be using our heads and we are hea.. just falling for their tricks


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