Saturday, 27 June 2015

Love Wins! Lady Gaga Too Excited About the Gay Rights

Lady Gaga is known to be one of the greatest supporters of Gayism and Gay marriage. The super excited pop star took a stroll round New York in a Rainbow Tee after the marriage ruling that gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 US states.. She was with huge smile on her face visiting one friend to the other..
Even though she is engaged, I have a strong feeling she is Bi or what can explain that
She flashed the peace sign as she took her dog Asia...

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  1. That's good, she is getting fat tho

  2. Straight men who suddenly become interested in gay porn may appear to have a decreased level of intimacy with the opposite sex, they will seem distracted. People who get addicted to porn would normally feel remorse and guilt.Continue Reading


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