Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Memo: Yemi Alade Go For Plastic Surgery or Something..Peep into the Fashpa’s “No Shade” Lookbook Photo

Before I start, I would like to say that this is a friendly memo..if any BsBer is not in support of this memo,please step aside and say so,if you are,please do not throw insults at her.Like I said this is a friendly memo.
Dear Yemi darling, we love you and we are proud of your achievement but wait! how do you manage to look this howeeble in pictures.. I have seen soo many of my blogger friends saying you slayed the photos..Uhmm, my sister, these people are filled of deceit, remember that was the same thing they did to Jesus and you are not him(he is actually phainer) It is like saying Linda Ikeji is a beauty queen(you sef see say modelling no work for am).
Back to my analysis, I am sure Fashpa spent a lot to have you on their poor lookbook, yet you managed to Reesembu the shade itself. Sweetheart please slow down with this your make down, I am very certain you change your make-down every week because it appears that you always decide to finish it at a o.. Well for me, I actually prefer you in your make up free photo below, atleast we can make excuses and say you decided to stay make up free.. I am saying this because of the fear of tomorrow, just incase you look back at your self. The height is when you attend red carpets, you look shine-bright-like-a-diamond very off the guard (especially your fore-head)..

So dearest, you can either fire your Make up artiste or Apologize because he/she has a hidden grudge.
Try to patronize better MUA, atleast you now make enough money to afford that..
Buy a better mirror cos you know this things can be deceiving some times.

I just checked the calender and this is 2015 for crying out loud, People don't do this types of horwifick make ups again, the world is revolving. Stop too much attention on your Face and outfits and make more time to develop yourself..
You are next big thing but we need a face to attach to it, don't let your face fade out because of too much artificial-ness..

I remain your fan darling..Just stoppit already

It is the season of change like what APC is promising us, Pls be in the spirit, we are tired..

Signed: BsBers and Yours truly

1 comment :

  1. Lol this must be the joke of the century . I followed up your link from nairaland ,you are a failed blogger just take a look at you.u didn't even have anyone visiting your dry blog talk more of commenting and u open your stinking mouth to say my bsbers....lool last time I checked bsb is a name of a bread are here throwing shade at linda ikeji when she makes 50 million per month whereas your pathetic life is so messy that u create a blog out of the stipend you have my dear my advise is close this your blog and get some thing to do with your life.


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