Monday, 16 June 2014

Bloggers Diary: Foods That Remedy Skin Eczema

Eczema is an irritating skin disease that ranges from chronic, itchy minor rashes to raging acute eczema flare-ups with open, oozing sores that require bandaging. Eczema is often attributed to some sort of food or airborne allergy and can be minimized by determining the allergens and adjusting accordingly. Most eczema sufferers resort to using pharmaceuticals pills, creams, or steroids. Eliminating chemically sprayed veggies and fruits, processed foods (even so-called “natural” cereals), junk foods, sugars, and artificial sweeteners goes a long way toward curing chronic, adverse health of any type, including skin conditions. Minimizing stress and adding moderate exercise has also proven to be effective. Sweat can act as a trigger or exacerbate eczema. So avoid sweating whenever possible or shower immediately afterward sweating.
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Increase your omega-3 intake with avocadoes, fresh salmon or tuna from unpolluted waters, eggs, organic raw nuts, and organic hemp, chia or flax seeds. Two tablespoons or more of flax seeds need to be ground with a coffee grinder just before consuming them.

While you’re working on a permanent cure, there are natural, homemade applications that help relieve symptoms without the dangerous side effects of prescribed or over the counter pharmaceuticals.

Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is better than those pricey creams that a dermatologist offers.

Apply vitamin E oil, especially natural D-alpha tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols. You can break open gel capsules for the oils. Avoiding synthetic vitamin E oil is tricky. So read labels closely, research, or ask a reliable sales person. Avoid vitamin E acetate.
Source: Punch

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