Dugout offers best unique & exclusive behind the scenes content from the world's best clubs & players, all in one place. has was created by some of the world's biggest footballs - Chelsea, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Arsenal, AC Milan, Juvetus, Paris Saint-Germain and about 20 other major football clubs
Dbanj quest for mega deals and success beyond music is breath-taking! After launching CREAM, an entertainment platform that already has over 3 million subscriber within a year, he has just recently launched CREAM Sport, with the mega deal with Dugout the first on the CREAM Sport platform
True to his words, Dbanj stated clearly that 'content is the new crude oil'. He seems to be living off the era of mere musical fame but combining the Music with Digital content marketing, Technology and fantastic distribution to make mega deals
Only recently, he led a team of Nigerian artistes to the House of Representative in Abuja for the need for Lawmakers to help protect the creatives of Nigerian musicians and talents which received a very warm reception by the lawmakers that the Chairman of the Adhoc committee not only saluted Dbanj incredible move but also re-invited Dbanj to address the Congress committee
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