Friday, 6 October 2017

Meet Britney Williams, The Girl That Looks So Much Like Beyonce

Britney Williams is a twenty-two-year-old man from Detroit, Michigan, who becomes very popular in social media because of her unusual resemblance to Beyoncé.

Urban legend says everyone has a doppelganger who is walking the world somewhere. Well, what happens when your double is so simple Beyoncé? We asked Brittany Williams, a 20-year-old woman living in Detroit, whose photos began to circulate through social media because of her extreme resemblance to Mrs. Carter, at least the internet says. Ironically, she does not see.

“I actually don’t think we resemble. She is a beautiful woman and so am I. But at the end of the day, God created her to be her and me to be me, and I love being me!” she insists.

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