Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Mystery Woman Who Has Dated 5,000 Men Creates Online Course On How To Get Rich White Men

A Thai lady who promoted herself as having dated more than 5,000 rich men have turned into all the rage in the wake of propelling an online course intended to direct other Thai ladies in getting and keeping rich outside folks. 

The lady from Khon Kaen, Thailand, who calls herself Praiya Suriya on Facebook, is opening a "club" that volunteers qualified Thai ladies for her "rich specialist companions." For a charge of THB14,000 (about USD410) for VIP get to, Praiya will set her "club individuals" up with either "Caucasian or Middle Eastern" men, with internet instructing on the best way to approach them for cash and be more sure about bed. 

he instructing will be done inside a private gathering on hold informing application. As indicated by Praiya's programmed message on LINE, this is what VIP individuals will realize:
– The tricks to asking men for money—Results are guaranteed 100 percent! Ask them for THB100,000 – THB300,000 to go shopping!
– A detailed sex strategy! You will feel confident like you’ve never felt before. Have quality sex. Have educated sex. Have sex like Praiya! Have sex like a pro!
– How to negotiate compensation before you go on a date or holiday with him. How to ask for a salary, house, condo, or car.
– English or Arabic sentences used to ask for money.
– Negotiate cash up front before a date? Is that really dating?
The Facebook account has drawn criticism from online commenters. Many Thai women are enraged by how Praiya is seeming to worsen their image, while others say her business is straight-up prostitution.
But other women actually idolize Praiya, leaving messages of support on her Facebook page.
“Why is this even an issue? She didn’t force you to become a member. Those who want a rich man but can’t get one can register if they’re pleased to do so,” a Thai woman said.
A lot of women say they’re saving up to take Praiya’s dating course.
“THB14,000 is not expensive at all for what you’ll get. Let me save money for this first. I’m 33, speak a little English, and have kids. I want to have someone,” another woman said. After the story received attention in local media, Praiya said that she has received so many private messages that she could not respond as quickly as she’d like. In one of her live videos, Praiya added that she does not just accept anyone in her course, she only wants to work with women who are really serious about becoming a gold digger.
“Some of you are mental. I don’t wanna hook you up no matter how much you pay. I wanna select members who are serious about this—gettingrich.

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