Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Disorder In OAU As Union Leaders Allegedly Purchased N3m Bus

Image result for OAUImage result for N3m Bus Purchased by Union Leaders
Students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife are as of now isolated over the buy of a 14-seater transport for about N3million by their union pioneers. This comes after the understudies' union pioneers were vigorously condemned for planning the aggregate of N1.6m 2015 for telephone brings over a time of nine months. 

While a portion of the understudies affirmed that the transport was purchased at a less expensive cost, others said the buy ought to be complimented. A portion of the understudies asserted that the Students' Union was being dashed the transport and altered with about N150,000. 

Be that as it may, things escaped hand after an understudy of the University shared an ad trying to offer a similar model of transport for N900,000. In any case, the union officers have given receipt of N2.5m of the obtained transport and affirmed that the transport is not fresh out of the plastic new. 

A portion of the understudies additionally griped that the edge of the Toyota transport was that of a Mercedes-Benz. Whenever reached, the President of the Union, Ibukun Edward, denied that the transport was purchased for N3million. He clarified that the Tokunbo transport was acquired for N2.5m after due interview with the Maintenance Unit of the University. He noticed that to guarantee that the union was not tricked, the merchant was acquainted with them by the guardians of one of the union's officials who lives in Ile-Ife.
 He said, “I have seen a lot of posts from some students who said we claimed to have gotten the bus for N3million. That is absolutely not true. It is a total lie. As President, I have never disclosed the amount the bus was bought to the public. I can boldly say it anywhere, I am not corrupt and I will never be. I am not fraudulent in all my dealings and I will never be. “I want anyone who is interested or anyone who is vast about buses to find out how much a grade one Tokunbo Toyota 14-seater Bus is being sold anywhere and put the amount public for all students to see. The picture on social media was taken after the bus had been used from morning to evening.”
 However, the union’s Transport and Monitoring Committee in a statement on Wednesday denied having knowledge about the purchase of the bus. The statement, which was signed by the members of the committee headed by Oluwalade Babatunde read in part, “It is very important for students to know that everything affiliated with transport affairs is our business as ascribed by our constitution . It is however very sad that we are not aware of the date, location of the purchase and the amount used to procure the new union bus.
“It’s very disheartening also that this, which was promised to be a medium providing relief to the crisis of transportation plaguing students, has now turned to a point of concern. We would not take up the job of the budget committee but we’ve all seen and even a lame man would ask questions as regards the acclaimed price of these bus.”
 The union’s Public Relations Officer, Simon Okediji, debunked that the bus was repaired recently.
 He said, “The rim is not that of  Mercedez Benz.  Every part of the bus was provided by the maker – Toyota. It is not a new bus. It was bought eight-days ago. “It has not been repaired. Whenever you buy a used bus like that, it is not impossible that somethings in it may need to be fixed. We didn’t take it there (mechanic shop) because it broke down or needed some repair but to do some few things. Nothing is wrong with the bus."

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