Sunday, 5 February 2017

Why I Married My Nigerian Wife (Photos)


In an interaction post on a Nigerian video blog called Battabox, the presenter was on the streets of Lagos asking people if they can marry a white person. Quite a lot of people aired their opinions with one lady saying a big no. When asked why, she went on a long story and eventually ended it saying Nigerians abroad only marry whites because of the 'benefits' they can get from the marriage.
Lots of people posted comments on the video Clip, but one particular comment by a Caucasian man caught their eyes. Using the same word “benefits,” as if responding to the lady, he said:

''I am oyibo and I married my Nigerian wife Omonefe Lynch for the benefits. Especially stew, pounded yam, egusi soup and Star beer. Plus she has given me beautiful children, she has inspired me to be successful in my life and she has enriched me with Nigerian culture and the opportunity to travel to Nigeria often and enjoy the beautiful country. I have benefited from the marriage more than she has.''

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