The frail old woman uses her tongue to remove pieces of lead, iron, coal, sawdust and glass from eyeballs after sterilising her mouth with alcohol. Patients will raise their eyelid for nana Hava to begin licking in search of a foreign body. Hava said:
learned this from a woman who was also called Hava."Unfortunately I can
not pass this to my descendants, because my children are too disgusted
to put their tongue on someone's eye.""I've been told that people will
cut out my tongue when I die so the village can continue to treat
Nana Hava claims to have cured over 5,000 people of many nationalities, from Americans to Russians. Hava said:
"There are a lot of those that modern medicine could not help. They
came to me out of the hospital with swollen eyes, I clean them and
remove the speck."
"I don't charge licking for those who are not employed and have no money but my service fee normally costs around 10 Euros."
"I don't charge licking for those who are not employed and have no money but my service fee normally costs around 10 Euros."

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