Friday, 27 January 2017

Church Members Attack Elderly Woman Who Was Accused Of Being A Witch

A woman has been assaulted an attacked by some church members who accused her of being a witch. Sam Itauma who shared the story revealed that the elderly woman was pushed and nearly beaten by the church members during a night vigil.
 Itauma wrote: Another old woman attacked by church members in Lagos; accusing her of practicing witchcraft. As Usual, this is how the #WitchHunters schemed out the story to suit their ignorant and callous act.

"It happened at wonderful apostolic gospel church, during the youth vigil, A bird fell down and became a human being"

Wow! This is how different women, children, elderly persons are merely accused of sorcery day and night, tortured and killed without anyone trying to help. If you venture to help, it means you are one of them and could be killed too.

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