Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Dear SAtino: He is a Good man but Old

Rashidat is a dating a man who is 9 years older than her. He is good to her but she doesn’t love him. She is struggling to make a decision. The thing is, she wants the kind of fire she had with her Ex boyfriend again. And with this new man, she just doesn’t have that.

Dear Satino......

I am in a relationship with a 33year old guy and I am 24. To be truth full he is what you will call a good guy. He is caring, doesn’t demand much from me, supports my dream and even kept to my rule of no sex before marriage.

The issue now is that I am not in love with him. Although I do like him and appreciate the kind of love he has shown me for the past two years, I am not in love with him like I expect to be with someone I intend to spend the rest of my life with. He is a simple guy, not handsome but presentable. The issues I have with him is that he looks his age and it bothers me at times. I feel like I am dating a very old person. He doesn’t earn much which does not allow him to spend money on himself to dress well and look fashionable. Also, he is not the going out type as he is a Doctor and most times busy at the clinic.

I had a boyfriend before him whom I was so in love with. When we broke up because he wasn’t ready to commit I felt my world had stopped.

I want to love like that again and not settle because I feel he is a good man that almost everyone is searching for.

Do you think I am not wise for trying to give him up in order to find someone I truly love that’s closer to my age?

Kindly assist


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