Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Kenyan Socialite Vera Sidika And Huddah Monroe Fights Dirty; Accuses Her of Death Threats

Vera Sidika took to Instagram to publish her HIV test result, shutting down claims that she is positive. Also, the Kenyan socialite, accused her rival Huddah Monroe of threatening to have her killed.

According to Vera Sidika’s Snapchat/Instagram, the latest feud started after she returned from her China gig and Huddah started firing subs, assassinating her character on social media. Hence, Vera is shooting down one of the claims: that she is HIV positive.

Vera says she is taking the murder threats seriously.

See her Instagram post Below:

“For 6 years Now, People made it a habit To Hate, Tell Lies, throw Shade…list goes On…In 2016 I decided to sit back & watch people mock me, call my family names, call me names, abuse me cause of My skin, My body etc on a DAILY!!! I have been Quiet. 7 months now. Cause I chose to ignore all the Bullshit in 2016.Now. You Publicly apologize to me and as much as I didn’t trust you. I Forgive you for the sake of my fans who begged. A week later you start hating,throwing shade, abusing and threatening me.
Whenever Something good Happens to Me you get back at it again. When I get international bookings to Host; China. Malaysia. USA. Etc… you’ll still hate. When I Buy properties, cars, it pains you way to much. You hate!Why does my success Bother another human being that claim they’re successful???
Why would Getting deals affect someone so much that they threaten to beat me up? Yet u claim to be ambassador for the Youth. Oh wait, That’s what they applaud u for? Publicly threatening People?
When U get whatever Do u ever see me say shit? I’m Happy coz u Doing Good. That’s what Women should Do, Empower One Another. In Today’s day & Age You Should understand that brand ambassadors have always existed way before none of us were born. Nobody started it. It’s been done before. There’s Millions of Kenyans getting endorsed everyday!!!. Why u would be so Hurt to a point of threatening me. Beats me!!! Now u RUN around NAIROBI claiming I am HIV Positive. For about 5 years now & Blogs Stupidly carry it. I tried so hard to keep my cool but enough is enough. I’m Human NOT a machine. Y’all been following up & know who’s da Problem.Now, I did this Just so y’all can Go talk Rubbish With Proof!!! EVERYTHING YOU SAY ABOUT ME IS LIES LIES & MORE LIESJUST COZ YOU’RE INTIMIDATED.THIS IS THE LAST TIME IM ADDRESSING THIS. NEVER AGAIN.”


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