Friday, 3 June 2016

BSB Exclusive: 10 Things to Do and Not To Do in HIGH School

Yay! Well we all known y darling Oladayo who is currently almost rounding up his secondary school... He is a ardent reader of our blog

He has decided to give us his own tips of things to do and not to do in high school..

1. Don't get distracted and leave your friends for a boy. Friends always come first.
2. Don't take yourself too seriously. You need to have fun!
3. Occasionally, you can let yourself slide. Keep your grades up, but if you need a break you can take a break.

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4. Get close to your teachers. They can help you when you get to college and they'll write recommendation letters for your jobs and school.
5. Boyfriends are great, but don't be afraid of a breakup. You're going to meet better guys throughout your whole life.
6. Don't party toooo hard, but party a little.
7. Talk to your parents! Don't be afraid to ask them about things like drinking and sex. I was able to call my mom from a party once for a ride without getting in trouble while I was drinking.
8. If the cops come, run upstairs and hide. Seriously.
9. Get on the pill. Getting pregnant can ruin a lot of things for you, and you don't want to hurt yourself by getting an abortion, just in case.
10. Stay in contact with your close friends. Keep phone numbers and addresses so you can stay together for the rest of your life.

Lol... I hope you have learnt one thing or the other, thank you my darling Oladayo

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