Sunday, 29 May 2016

Too Sad! 8 yr Old Bride Dies On Her Wedding Night After Getting Married To A Man 5 Times Older

An 8 year old Yemeni child bride, a mere girl, recently died on her wedding night from internal hemorrhaging.

She was married to a man five times her age. As disgusting as the tradition of marrying off children to much older men is, it is common practice in Yemen. More than a quarter of the female population are married before the age of 15.

This and similar cases have enraged people from all over the world who are working on stopping this barbaric tradition. However, even though they work hard in an attempt to stop this practice, things don’t go smoothly.

These groups of people are working hard to put an end to this barbaric tradition, but it is difficult for them. Yemen, as an impoverished country, makes profit from this practice and doesn’t plan on giving it up so easily. Namely, poor families are basically forced to accept “bride-prices”, by which they receive about $100 for their daughters who are later sold off to be married.

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