Monday, 4 January 2016

Aww! Donjazzy and Olamide Settles Thier 'Headies' Saga

This is soo good..

Alas...The Skelemba singers have made up

Donjazzy and Olamide have settled the war following the 2016 Headies Buhaha

They posted a joint photo and the same caption;

We are very Sorry for the wahala make una no vex oh. It is our responsibility to lead but then again we are only human and we all make mistakes! #WeAreSorryHeadies #WeAreSorryFans #PeaceAndUnity #SMD #YBNL #OneLagos #OneNigeria



  1. Hmm, why is Don jazzy the only one smiling ? Looks fake

  2. Don Jazzy can like to smile anyhow..I pray this is true oo


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