Monday, 28 December 2015

Bishop TD Jakes Replies Fan After Saying It’s A Sin To Wear Ripped Jeans!!

Enough of people trying to disrespect you and then you just look on. Damn!!! So Bishop TD Jakes wore this heaven-loving ripped jeans and some over sabi fans think he was trying to follow a worldly trend and asked him not to repeat it another time telling him he is supposed to be a role model.

The Bishop who then saw one of the messages then politely replied the fan by asking him to tell him the part of the Bible that forbids him from wearing one. Then another fan helped the first fan to quote one and the drama began.

Check out his Epic response to the guy below

Then another fan helped the first hater fan quote a scripture

The Bishop replies again

Then another fan stepped in....

1 comment :

  1. Why will he answer them.....These are jobless people.fault finders


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