Monday, 21 December 2015

Adele Speaks On Fame, Motherhood And More As She Slays On Time Magazine’s Year Ahead Issue

Adele is on the cover of Time Magazine Year Ahead issue and it she’s speaking on her music, being a mother and the fact that she is still not comfortable with her success.

About selling 3.38 million copies of her album in America she said,

It’s a bit ridiculous, I’m not even from America. 

Maybe they think I’m related to the Queen. Americans are obsessed with the royal family

On why she thinks people connect with her music; Read what she had to say below

The fact that I’m not shy or embarrassed to be falling apart, everyone falls apart, I think. A lot of people try to be brave and not shed a tear. Sometimes when you know someone else feels as s— as you do, or approaches things in a certain way just like you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Even though my music is melancholy, there’s also joy in that. I hope I do bring joy to people’s lives, and not just sadness, but I think there’s a comfort in it. But I honestly don’t know. If I knew, I would bottle it, and sell it to everyone else.

Speaking on how she feels being a mother

He makes me so proud of myself, and he makes me like myself so much. And I’ve always liked myself. I’ve never not liked myself. I don’t have hangups like that. But I’m so proud of myself that I made him in my belly. Cooked him in my belly and then he came out of me! This human who’s suddenly walking around and doing his own thing. I can’t wait to know who his best friends are going to be, who his girlfriend or his boyfriend is going to be or what movies he likes… Whatever my kid wants to do or be I will always support him no matter what.

She is still not comfortable with her success

I feel uncomfortable being famous , how long should I feel like that? Because if you’re going to keep making music, there’s a 50-50 chance you’re going to be famous for the next 20 years. So do you want to be uncomfortable for 20 years, or do you want to just settle into it? I don’t want to have plastic surgery. I’m going to look like this forever. Deal with it. Once you deal with it, you feel more calm about it.

Being very protective of her family

My record is about my real life, so I have to talk about it, if you try to intrude or come near my family, I’m a lioness. Especially because my boyfriend isn’t famous. So I think it’s really unfair for anyone to want unlimited access to my family when we’re not a brand. Some people do, and if you’re happy to do it, then kudos—that’s f—ing great. But I don’t want my family to be part of my package. If my kid decides that when he’s old enough to make his own decision that he wants to be known for being my kid, I’ll be annoyed, but I won’t stop him. I’ll be like, ‘It’s your choice now.’ But this was my dream. This isn’t theirs.

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