Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Unbelievable! 22 Year Old Man Marries A Pizza, His Reason Will Leave Gasping For Breath! (Crazy Photos)

What will i not see in this our world eeh lol! A 22-year-old Russian man recently got married to a pizza.The ceremony allegedly took place in the city of Tomsk, Russia, in a pizzeria with chefs and managers as witnesses because Russian authorities refused to officially
register the marriage and a church also declined.

The unnamed groom says he decided to marry his favourite fast food after getting bored of the single life. “Love between two humans is a complicated wild thing,” he said. “Pizza, on the other hand, would not reject you or betray you, and speaking quite frankly and sincerely, I love it.” The restaurant even presented the groom and his ‘bride’ with an unofficial wedding certificate on a clipboard.

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