Monday, 21 September 2015

Yvonne Nelson THINKS She is Better than You Because She Wears Louboutins And Shops At Chanel in Ghana…REALLY?

Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson


Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has not been paid to advertise Louboutins or Chanel or any of the designer wears out there but she constantly bombards her huge instagram followers with these brands…

We cannot unlock the workings of Yvonne Nels
on’s brains to find out the true rationale behind such postings but considering the fact that there are several instagram self-made stars who do the same just to validate themselves as more important and expensive, the writing is clear on the wall.

Like others, Yvonne Nelson must really think posting these things on social media makes her a better person than all of us—what else could be the reason to do so in its rude obviousness?
The above is a photo Yvonne Nelson just posted; it does not show her face or anything, except the brands she is wearing or playing with—and what else could be the reasonable explanation of this post if it’s not the usual want to show off?

In the video below, Ernestina Johnson captures all we have to say about these red bottoms and the instagram craze of show offness…
If you think we are just hating, watch It!

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