Thursday, 24 September 2015

How Student Dies of Jealousy After Stabbing His Friend During a Threesome

Too stupid reason to die young. So  report says a 21 year old student stabbed his friend in a jealous rage during a drunk, according to a newly-released police report.

According to NY Daily,Yale University students Tyler Carlisle and Alexander Michaud were having sex with a female student when things took a dramatic and violent turn.

Carlisle, 21, became jealous that his pal was getting more attention and grabbed a knife from a nearby nightstand and plunged it into Michaud's neck.

After police were called, Carlisle threatened to jump from the ninth-floor window before plunging to his death.

The horrific attack took place in an off-campus apartment on May 26 this year.

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Michaud told police he next remembers finding himself sitting in the living room where the female began pressing a T-shirt to his wound.Carlisle was meanwhile said to have been pacing back and forth, apologizing, before going to the ninth floor apartment's window and saying he was going to jump.
Michaud said he didn't see the recent graduate jump. His body was later recovered six stories below, on a third-floor terrace.
When police arrived they said they found the two surviving students naked in the apartment. The woman was described as "too distraught at the time of the incident to give a statement."

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