Too Overwhelming; Thank you BsB readers for always getting back to me...I am Happy and I feel greatly honored
Keeping a man happy is a great way to keep him around for the rest of your life?
A male blog reader has shared his own view on how he thinks Ladies can Make their Man Happy...
Read What Wole Had to write
What are some tips for women on making their man happy?
1. Be his No.1 fan; Every man, even those who appear to be strong and independent, needs to know and feel that his wife believes in him. The truth is men are stronger and better able to meet challenges when they have your support, your encouragement, and have you in their corner.
2. You have the right to complain, but please don’t criticise; There is a difference between complaining and criticising that needs to really be understood. A complaint focuses on a specific issue, is void of attacks on personality or character, a direct expression of anger or displeasure, and focuses on a behavior to be changed. On the other hand, a criticism is global (not focused on one issue) contains blame, and attacks the person versus the behavior. Criticism does not show respect or love and will break down the relationship.
3. Don’t be afraid to let him know you need him; When you show your vulnerability, that you need your husband on the deepest level, it reinforces the bond between the two of you and strengthens the emotional connection. Men receive a lot of satisfaction and joy when they are able to provide safety, security and in knowing that their love is good enough for their wives.
4. Be clear and direct with your wants, needs, and desires; When you want to communicate with your man, be direct with what it is you would like to see. Keep it simple, direct, and don’t fall into the trap of hinting because men do not get the subtle clues.
5. No fear The truth is men do have fear; What I have learned is that some of men’s greatest relationship fears are that they will not be good enough and that they will be viewed as disappointing to those who mean the most. These are rejection fears that will often cause a man to shut down and disconnect. You can respond to these with love, sensitivity, reassurance, and acceptance.
6. All you need is love; Love is the greatest force in the universe and it has the power to transform and heal. Tell him every day how much you love him and how much his love means to you and to your family. Remember that love is patient, kind, keeps no records of wrongs, protects, hopes, perseveres, and is not self-seeking.
7. Show appreciation to your man; Here are a few ways to show appreciation: 1. Buy him gifts. 2. Keep yourself healthy and neat. 3. Wear what he Likes. 4. Make his favourite meal. 5. Set time aside to do something that he enjoys.