Wednesday, 22 July 2015

And the Winner is Seun Oluwalogba AKA Iam_DeoGrat!as

Our 'Spot the difference' winner is SEUN OLUWALOGBA....


In my analysis, the first pix shall be addressed as Pix A while the second one as Pix B.

1. The black dot at the top right corner of Pix A is dull and blur WHILE that of Pix B is sharp and bold.

2. In Pix B, there are black particles(like enlarged pixels) just behind d guy's head.. Those particles are absent in Pix A

3. There is a black dot at the edge of the sleeve in Pix A which is absent in Pix B

4. Laterally inverted (Pix A is facing the east while Pix B is facing the West- Mirrored image)

5. The margin (the whole chair is displayed in Pix A while It is not fully shown in Pix B- I call it the thin white margin)

6. The white face of the black-leathered wrist watch on the left hand of the guy in Pix A is blurred when compared to Pix B

7. A black sketch (like 2) is present in the trouser in Pix B but absent in Pix A

8. The black pupil of the eye in Pix B is more bold and thicker that that in the Pix A

9. The displayed middle finger is longer in Pix B and its nail is more visible in Pix B than Pix A

10. The face contrast(Pix A is more lightened than Pix B)


  1. Lol.. Thanks so much to bsb nd d sponsor..

    My name is nt OLUWALOGBA but OLOWOLAGBA..


  2. Thanks @damilola..
    @bsb, my email is


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