It’s the fight of the century Guys! The most exclusive sporting event ever to be held! Anticipation for this Saturday’s boxing match pitting the undefeated Floyd Mayweather Jr. against Manny Pacquiao has reached well past hype to record levels of fever pitch..
Here my simple tips for watching this deadly match
- Get your boxing gloves [You need to feel like you are in the court]
- Be with Bae [Just incase plus so she can know how exactly a man's power can be, well except she in the force then you are O.Y.O]
- Make sure you have eating well [Because there would be a lot of shouting and head hitting]
- Make sure you are not owing or someone is not owing you money [Because kai, you will be forced to knock the person down] lol
Those are my own special tips..Add up your own thought in your comment..
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