Monday, 6 April 2015

London Pastors Celebrates 40th Wedding Anniversary After Husband's Sexual Assault Prison Time

Pastor Douglas, 59 and Erica Goodman, 58, are popular for their 'Walking the love walk' teaching series for couples in relationships, and the couple made the news this weekend as they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in style. Pastors Douglas and Erica Goodman are the presiding ministers at the V2V - Victory to Victory- Church London.

However, things haven't always been victorious from the couple. Their former church was shut down for mismanagement of funds, and the husband later went to prison for sexually assaulting young women in the church. 10 years later, the couple have overcome their issues and celebrated their 40th Anniversary with a renewal of vows to the jubilation of all those who have been praying for them and supporting them. 

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Douglas and Erica Goodman got married while he was a bus driver and soon after, they started a church which grew from 50 people meeting in a home to thousands of people.

In 2002, their old church, the Victory Christian Center was shut down after investigations by the Charities Commission uncovered debts the church owed even while the couple lived a high flying lifestyle on the millions contributed by the church members.

Soon after, Douglas Goodman was accused of messing around with young girls in the couple's congregation and in 2004, he was sentenced to three and a half years for indecent assault, attempted indecent assault and perverting the course of justice. After he came out of prison, Mr Goodman told the Echo:

“I believe one of the main reasons I was found guilty is because I took the wrong advice and did not take the stand to defend myself over the charges brought against me.

“I stand by the fact I am not guilty of the charges that were brought against me. I obviously had to serve my sentence, which has only added to my life experience.

“I have an amazing family and an amazing church who have stood by me through this ordeal. I understand this is something I will always have to address and I am happy to do that.”
His wife, Erica Goodman stood by him, and while he was in prison, she established the V2V church and a bible school. When he came out a changed and repentant man, Pastor Douglas joined her in the ministry and since then, their church and their relationship have grown from strength to strength.

Wishing them all the best!

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