Sunday, 1 February 2015

Watch Rihanna and Kanye Wests’ Super Electrified Performance at DirectTV’s Super Bowl Party

                                      Kanye West and Rihanna
*Screaming Talent..Talent Lord...  Rihanna and Kanye performed at DirectTV’s Super Bowl party on Saturday night.
The duo debuted a performance of their new single, ‘FourFiveSeconds’ at the show. Paul McCartney, who was also featured on the track was not present at the event. They also performed several of their solo hits. Riri performed ‘Diamonds’ (with Kanye), ‘Stay’, ‘Rockstar’, ‘Umbrella’, and ‘We Found Love’ while West also lighted up the stage with a mixture of old and new songs like ‘Jesus Walks’ and ‘Only One’.
Peep inside for videos and pictures of two of the biggest stars performing at last night’s DirectTV’s Super Bowl Party…

1 comment :

    New Amoorea adlh nutrisi kulit yg dibentuk dlm wujud sabun batangan ( bar).
    Berbahan dari Heilmoor Clay, yaitu lumpur dalam dari pegunungan di Austria, yg sangat kaya akan kadar humus yg tinggi, nutrisi dan
    vitamin serta mineral yg sangat dibutuhkan kulit kita, dan di Eropa saat ini sdh menjadi tren dlm perawatan kecantikan secara alami..

    Harga New Amoorea
    New Amoorea Tosca
    Amoorea Tosca


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