Saturday, 3 January 2015

Transgender Laverne Cox Causes Fued on Social Media After Posting Bikini Photos

The Nigerian 30 year old transgender, Larvene Cox is currently on vacation at a beach side resort and has been showing off her sexy bikini body over the past week. The Orange Is The New Black star is regarded by many as a role model for young people in the LGBTQ community. She is the first Transgender to win an Emmy and also to appear on the cover of Times Magazine.
Therefore, she is being judged to a higher standard than other celebrities flaunting their fit and toned bodies. This is especially pertinent after a 17 year old trans girl committed suicide over body image issues. The teen believed that she would never look good if she waited till 18 to start transitioning.

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One fan, bdomcgregor said;

Uh are a talented actress not just amsexy body. This kind of pic would be ok if you were an untalented reality tv star trying to stay relevant but you're not. You have talent. WWMSD. What would Meryl Streep do?
Plus you're a role model for the lgbtq youth and we already have a lot of body issues from them always shoving perfect bodies down our throat.
Maura.jpg and another commenter however came to actresses defense;

@bdomcgregor I don't really understand your comment tbh. yes she's a talented actress but that doesn't mean she can't be sexy/have sex appeal. Laverne's posts (such as this one) have transgender body positivity written all over them. she worked hard to become the confident woman she is today and Laverne's goal as both an actress and a role model to the lgbtq community is to show transgender youth that it is completely possible to successfully transition and become the person you were born to be so I'm not really sure where your comment is at all relevant?
On a final note, thatgingerkido said; "She can wear what she wants, her body her rules. She isn't forcing it upon anyone else."

What do you think, should Laverne Cox be held to higher standards than other female actresses and entertainers who show off their body?

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