All this Oyinbo and the way they fall sick.. You need to visit Africa darling..Anyway Mean girls star, Lindsay has been reportedly down and in the hospital after being diagnosed of a Rare Virus..
Lindsay contracted Chikungunya, a virus transmitted by mosquito bites that causes fever, joint pain and fatigue.
Lindsay Lohan is in a London hospital with a rare, incurable virus she apparently picked up in Bora Bora ...
Lindsay vacationed in Bora Bora over the holidays and then flew to L.A. to shoot an Esurance commercial ... we believe for the Super Bowl.
Lindsay began complaining of the illness just before New Year's. She then went back to London where she became so ill she couldn't walk. Lindsay is currently in King Edward VII's Hospital ... the same place the Queen gets treated. They're keeping Lindsay because she has a high fever and the joint pain is unbearable.
Lindsay began complaining of the illness just before New Year's. She then went back to London where she became so ill she couldn't walk. Lindsay is currently in King Edward VII's Hospital ... the same place the Queen gets treated. They're keeping Lindsay because she has a high fever and the joint pain is unbearable.
All these Oyinbos are too fragile...Ish!!
Well get well soon baby...
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