Saturday, 24 January 2015

Lil Wayne Is Reportedly Suing His Mentor Birdman For $8 Million!

"A thug changes...Things are getting nasty between these two. Lil Wayne and his mentor Birdman have had a falling out over the delayed release of Weezy's newest album, and the rapper wants OUT of Cash Money as a result. Wayne is claiming that Birdman violated his contract by not releasing the album, and so he wants to be on his own, completely.
And there's also an $8 million lawsuit being brought against Birdman too, since that's what Wayne says was supposed to be an advance for his newest album coming out. Birdman reportedly continues to say that Wayne's album will come out "in due time," but now he may be forced to put a date on it!
In the meantime, Wayne is going to keep recording and releasing stuff on his own. 
So, no worries Weezy fans, you'll get your music one way or another!
Birdman Lil Wayne

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