Saturday, 9 August 2014

My Knuckles Have Always Been Dark From Birth, Sean Tizzle Addresses Bleaching Rumour

Young & almost at the top, Sean Tizzle has received different back slash from fans that he is trying to bleach his skin. In a recent chat with him, he claims he has had the black knuckles from birth. He says unlike what every one thinks, you can have a dark knuckles and its not because you are bleaching your skin.
In his words:
I heard that as well. I don’t bleach my skin. I know why people are saying that. It is because my knuckles are dark. But they have always been like this from birth. I have tried everything but my knuckles have remained like this. I will not fight God. He created me this way. So I have left my hands like this.
About going to school, I tried a bit, at least I still entered the university. I did a three-year diploma programme in Theatre Arts at the University of Ibadan.
But it is his world..He can do whatever he wants without denying them 

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