Wednesday, 23 July 2014

BsB Corner: What If This Lady That Claims She is F**king Wizkid is Saying the Truth?

Ghen ghen..Na so I see am oo..Well we know this sort of madness would never stop on social media..Today, its Tania's turn, Wizkid's caro finally surfaced the internet, the self pronounced model based in Houston last night attacked Tania who happens to be Star boy, Wizkid's pronounced girlfriend..Caroline Ikpea tweeted and letting the whole world know that she is the one 'fuxing' Wizkid while Tania is forming love.
Tania replied her tweets in a matured way and Wizkid is yet to make any comment about this..
More tweets after the cut

But remember that time when Tania and Wizzy broke up, Maybe Wiz's urge pushed him.
What if he did that and promised her the same undying love?
What if she is actually saying the truth? Well no be me talk am!! Guess who is not excited about their Reunion? Caro 

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