Tuesday, 8 April 2014

BsB Food Exclusive: Exciting Things You Should Know About Baking By Colette Ogechi

BsB Food Exclusive is Here again by Colette Ogechi ...Welcome to the Hot Pots&Oven Corner, over here you will learn cooking recipes, cake recipes and hot spots and restaurants to eat out for residents in the lovely city of Abuja. In my Pixie dust corner you get to learn kitchen secrets and tips. Hope we have a wonderful time together as we journey on!
Today we are starting with the basics. Yea we are. It’s going to be all about basic baking must-have. Having these in your kitchen will go a long way. I call them my “baking pals”; cuz they always stick up for me. I see baking as a gorgeous edible art, and for you to enjoy and appreciate this art, it is important to know some basic things you need to produce a consistent outcome.
Here are some basic must-have;
1. Sieve

2. Measuring cup

3. Rubber Spatula

4. Wooden spoon

5. Electric Mixer

6. Baking Soda
7. Oven



Most people believe sifting your dry ingredients such as flour, baking powder and what have you not, is a total waste of time, some even go as far as saying “Na over sabi dey do you”  but that my dear reader is a baking faux pas. Sifting your ingredients serve an important purpose in baking. It breaks up any clumps in the dry ingredients, making them easier to combine in your mixing bowl.  Just incase your ingredients are so old that they are clumping together, sifting will turn them into a fine powder again
You can get it at your baking supplies store or where kitchen utensils are sold.
You can get it within this price range: N250 – N500; depending on the size.

Measuring cups

Measuring accurately is probably the most important cooking skill in the kitchen. Graduated measuring cups like those in the picture above are made in ¼ cup, 1/3 cup, 2/3 cup, ¾ cup, ½ cup, 1 cup and 2 cup sizes. When baking cakes, cookies, pie crust, candies and bread, measuring carefully and accurately helps to produce a consistent outcome.
Measuring cups are used for flour, sugar, powdered sugar, butter, e.t.c. To use this measuring cups; spoon or scoop in the ingredient into the cup and run a knife or spatula across the top to level the surface and scrape any excess back into the container. Always remember to level the surface, it’s really important.
For those that reside in Abuja, you can get them at Sahad stores for N300. You can also get them at a baking supply store.

Wooden Spoon

At times this wooden spoon a.k.a  “eba turner” serves as a good substitute for a rubber spatula when a recipe entails folding in some ingredients. In case you’re wondering what the item sitting beside the measuring cups above is; it’s the wooden spoon.

Rubber Spatula


Just about everyone who bakes needs it. They allow you to scrape all the batter out of the pan. They are also useful in smoothing the top of the filling before baking the cake and to fold in certain ingredients when a recipe entails doing that, and after that licking the batter off the spatula [#which seems to be my brother’s favourite part of baking].

Electric Mixer

The most conventional method of using a wooden spoon to beat your batter is okay, but it’s kind of stressful and consumes more time. In addition to that; you need to beat air into the batter for a fluffy cake and this cannot be achieved via hand mixing.
Electric mixers also make it easier to achieve a batter of smooth consistency because the blades are powerful enough to blend certain solids, such as butter and sugar with liquids.
These are the reasons why each time I turn on my electric mixer to beat my butter and sugar, I always thank God for the electric mixer and ask Him to bless the person that invented it, even though I know the person is long gone.
For Abuja residents you can get this wonderful gadget at Sahad stores or home electronics stores at this range: N4000 – N7000; depending on the product.

Baking Soda

Most people I know are not familiar with this wonderful baking ingredient. Each time I mention baking soda in a baking discussion they’ll be like; “Huh?” Baking soda also known as Sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda is about four times as strong as baking powder. Most recipes that contain an acidic ingredient such as; butter milk, sour cream, chocolate, cocoa always include baking soda.
Baking soda is added to neutralize the acids in the recipe plus to add tenderness and some leavening. When using baking soda in a recipe make sure to sift with the other dry ingredients before adding to the batter to ensure uniformity. Otherwise the baked goods can have large holes.
It’s available at baking supply stores and goes for N100
The most important baking equipment is this. For your batter to turn into a lovely decadent treat, you need an oven. Oven prices vary, but if you are starting out small you can get a good small oven from the range of  N9,000 upward

                    Pixie dust
1.     Baking soda starts to react and release carbon dioxide gas as soon as it is added to the batter and moistened. So make sure to bake batter immediately.
2.     To test baking soda’s effectiveness; Mix ¼ teaspoon baking soda with 2 teaspoons of vinegar and the mixture should bubble immediately.
3.     In the kitchen, baking soda will keep away garbage odors; Sprinkle the bottom of the pail and then sprinkle again after you put a new bag in.
4.     To remove stale smells from containers, rinse out with hot water and baking soda. If the smell persists, let the container soak overnight in the baking soda and water mixture.
5.     For burnt on food in the bottom of pots; Sprinkle with baking soda, then add hot water. Let soak overnight; the dried on food will come loose much more easily.
6.     For personal use; Hair brushes and combs can be cleaned on a baking soda solution.
7.     In laundry; to remove grease stain, either add baking soda to the wash load or pre-treat the stains with a baking soda paste. A baking soda paste is 3 parts baking soda one part water
 Baking is about fun, love and family. I enjoy and love baking, knowing that I can mix these bare raw ingredients and make breathtaking-scrumptious-luscious- treats always makes me feel so elated. I really hope on this tour you all will experience and the joy of baking. Take care and do have a gorgeous week ahead!
                                                                        I love me some indulgence
(To order for your cakes, pastries, confections and treats from Sweet Indulgence you can call to order on 08074657843)

1 comment :

  1. I want to learn how to bake...can you teach me?


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